Monday, November 1, 2010

10 weeks, 3 days

Ok, so I got my new insurance card in the mail, and I called my dr., and they are driving me insanc right now! They have to "verify" coverage before they will set up my appointment. Do they not understand how anxious I am right now?! I need to know that this child is doing well and developing correctly. Having had two miscarriages in the past, including one missed miscarriage, I don't do well not knowing what's going on. I hope and pray that gummy bear is doing well in there. Here are my pics today--can you tell a difference from two weeks ago?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

9 weeks, 5 days

I did it today--I wore maternity pants for the first time. Actually, these particular pants were very uncomfortable. I have several other pairs that are much better. My regular jeans just aren't working now. I was using a rubber band to extend the waist, but they were falling down--not very attractive! I've heard that the secret panal waist from Motherhood is wonderful because it supports the belly. I might have to invest in a few new clothes!

I worked at Van's for the first time in a month or so. Van told me today I can work as much as I want during the holidays, so it's quite likely that we try to get me 40 hrs per week. Since paying off our credit card debt, we no longer use credit cards for frivilous purchases (we have two to use occasionally), so any extra money at the holidays will be fantastic. Besides, we need a few new items for the baby. Our crib is one of the many that's been recalled, and though we can get the repair kit for it, we might splurge on a new crib. We are planning on getting Aidan and Noah bunk beds with our tax return money--complete with new mattresses and bed linens.

I still haven't been to the dr. My dr. doesn't see OB patients until the end of the first trimester anyway, and we're waiting on insurance. Otherwise, the initial visit cost is equal to what we pay for our entire family's health insurance premium per month! I am hoping for resolution this week so I can go next week--I am impatient and want to make sure gummy bear is thriving!

Morning sickness is still an issue, but it's turned more into midday sickness.

According the Chinese lunar calendar, this baby is a girl. I guess we'll find out eventually what gender this child is, but it's kind of fun to guess!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

8 weeks, 5 days

Happy Birthday, Chris! It's Chris' 34th birthday today! I thought my morning sickness might be better today, but let me tell you something--Count Chocula tastes a whole lot better going down than it does coming back up (I know, TMI, but this IS my pregnancy blog)!

I'm still suffering tremendously from morning sickness. However, as I discovered last night, Chick Fil A is still paletable for me, which is nice to know. Most things taste disgusting to me right now. I kind of have a craving for Subway, and I have a coupon for a free sub with the purchase of a side and a drink, so I might do that one day. Dinners are getting irritating--I don't like much, so we eat the same old stuff. I need more chicken and vegetarian recipes that lack spices. I usually love me some chili, but blah!

We've also decided that I need to quit my Hallmark job. I am too sick to be worrying about cards, and it's gotten too stressful to not much money. I am going to be working at Van's more now that the holidays are here, and that's much better money. I'm also looking for a job, as is Chris. We could use more money so we can pay off our van and make extra house payments!

Here is my picture today at 8 weeks, 5 days. Yes, I had a pooch to begin with!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

7 weeks, 6 days

Morning sickness is getting old! Nothing appeals to me at all right now! Oh, and guess what? I am already getting up to go to the bathroom at least once per night, and I am not sleeping very well. Just a few more weeks until the morning sickness subsides, hopefully. It's more dry heaving than anything else, but it's getting really annoying.

We are still trying to keep this a secret, but a few people have found out. It's mostly my virtual friends from BZ (Aidan's board and my new DDC), but a few people in real life know as well.

I still can't decide if I want to know the gender. Chris wants to find out, but I think it might be fun to wait. We'll see!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

6 weeks, 5 days

Well, I would say that morning sickness is upon me. I ended up with a sinus infection last week, and it was so severe that I had to head to the doctor for medicine. The Keflex did wonders immediately--I could breathe within hours of taking it!

The morning sickness began on my birthday, which was Sunday. The only people that know we are expecting is Chris, me, and my doctors. I have my first appointment on Tuesday, Oct. 19. We will get to see gummy bear then, and I will have my first check-up. I'm a bit nervous about everyone's reactions. Chris is scared his parents will not be happy. I know my family will be happy, but I understand his concern.

I dry heaved for the first time this morning, and I feel pretty crummy. I hate the first trimester for this reason. I am calling this child gummy bear because gummy bears make me feel better right now. And it's not just any kind of gummy bears--it has to be the Haribo brand!

Monday, September 27, 2010

5 weeks, 3 days

I am creating this blog because I just found out I am pregnant with child #4! I have my other blog, but seeing as how we are not spilling the beans any time soon, I wanted to have a place to talk about my pregnancy.

This is a surprise pregnancy. Note that I didn't say a "whoops", but a surprise blessing. I was correctly taking my BC pills, yet I noticed I was late last week. Chris and I have been helping Van clean up his house to sell, and the smell was overwhelming in the house. That was my first clue that something was up. I decided to test using the FRER in my bathroom, fully expecting a negative. Guess what? The instant I used it, I saw a dark pink test line and a light control line, letting me know that I was, indeed, pregnant.

My appetite hasn't been great since I found out. I was terribly worried about Chris' reaction, but he responded fairly well. He was stunned, but began joking about us having 4 kids.

I have found out the gender with Katie, Aidan, and Noah while I was pregnant with them. I am actually debating being surprised this time, simply because I am sure this will be my last.